Schmidt–Newton telescope

A Schmidt–Newton telescope is a catadioptric telescope that combines elements from both the Schmidt camera and the Newtonian reflector. In this telescope design a spherical primary mirror is combined with a Schmidt corrector plate, making system that has less spherical aberration (coma) than a reflecting telescope with a parabolic mirror. The design uses a 45° flat secondary mirror to view the image giving it the optical path of a Newtonian telescope.


Schmidt–Newtonian telescopes offer images with less coma than Newtonian telescopes of the same focal ratio (usually about half). The corrector plate also helps seal the tube assembly from air currents and provides mounting point for the diagonal mirror, eliminating the diffraction effects from a "spider" secondary support. The all spherical surfaces are much easier to manufacture, especially in short focal ratios. Telescopes using this design have a short focal ratio of around f/4 making them well suited for astrophotography or CCD imaging. Schmidt–Newtonians also costs less than the more commonly produced Schmidt–Cassegrains since they don't have the added curved secondary mirror or the complicated primary mirror focusing mechanism found in most Schmidt–Cassegrain designs.

Currently, Meade Instruments is the only commercial manufacturer of Schmidt–Newtonian telescopes, offering 6, 8, and 10-inch models on its LXD-75 "GO-TO" equatorial mount.

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See also